Sunday, April 17, 2011

Soccer Fun, Wedding Planning Craziness, My Adventures and Just Being a Family.

Oops! I guess its been a while since our last update!

Miss Dalia started soccer last week! We're pretty sure she is enjoying it and she actually picked up the concept pretty quickly. Here are some photos we would like to share of her big soccer game debut!

The wedding planning is coming together!! September 10th is approaching and I can hardly wait! There's this ugly rumor that planning your wedding is so much fun and exciting. Exciting, yes... fun, well I am waiting for that part to come :) Right now, I stress out about everything and have joked a couple of times that the evil bridezilla is slowely coming out. I am sure Mark would secretly agree with this. Really, I just can't wait to marry Mark and continue on our amazing journey!

Recently, I competed in an adventure race. Have you heard of them? Well, let me tell you it was easily the hardest thing I have done in a very long while! Basically, its a lot of hiking, paddling and climb rock after rock after rock. During the race, I was cussing up a storm in my head and absolutely hating life. It really was extreme and tough ( and it was a beginners race!!). My legs were jello, my back was aching and all I wanted was a cocktail and a swimming pool. Once I got home and showered, I realized I am absolutely crazy! BECAUSE I thought, okay I will totally do that again! :) Here are some pictues from that race.

Getting ready to go!
Oh Boy! Here we go!
Maybe this wasn't a good idea!

Nope! this wasn't a good idea!

The water was freezing! and paddling with your arms is killer!

Not even close to the end!

As your can tell our family is doing quite well! Everyday we grow closer and stronger together. Yesterday we went to our nieces first communion, as I sat there in church next to Mark and Mark's family I really couldnt help but feel so blessed. Anyone who knows Marks family knows they are truly great people. I think that's one of the things I love most about our relationship we both love each others families. My sister's come over once or twice a week just to hang out and its nice knowing that they love and view Mark as their brother and can rely on him for anything. This is what life is all about, so blessed we are.

The Kohut's

(more pictures we would like to share)

Dalia and my mom making Easter themed cupcakes

She loves this stuff!
All done!
Miss Bella smiling as always!
Aunt Debbie helping munchkin skate :)

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